New Faces, Same Routine

This week, started as last week, I got dropped off, and it was pretty daunting as no-one was in eye view. I then saw another lady, but it wasn’t the usual ”boss”. It was weird then I learnt that she was the lady in charge for the day. First thing I did, was bring a border collie puppy in from the play bit, after he had eaten. He was barking and his ears were flying everywhere. he was so lovely! Unfortunately, he was too overexcited to eat. Then I had to let out a big dulux-like dog into the grass area. After that, I had to start walking the dogs. First off, I walked an absolutely lovely Lhasa Apso. She looked really scared of the kennels and she was shivering in her room. I took her to the day-care first to see how she’d get on with the other dogs, and for five minutes she cowered in the corner. I took her for a walk, to try and make her feel better, and she was perfect on the walk. Then, I got her back to the building, and tried to get her to go back into day-care and nuh-uh. Not happening. I had to put her back in her kennel instead. Then I walked the Dulux-dog. That was very interesting. He was good and well-behaved, until we got to the pen. I decided that because he was quite a big dog. I would take him to the pen to run around and play. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. I let him off the lead, and threw around the tennis ball for a bit, and everything was fine. UNTIL, I wanted to clip him back onto the lead. He growled and bared his teethe at me. I t was quite terrifying to be honest and I’m not scared of dogs! I finally had to suck it all in, and tell myself that he was just playing with me. And just like that, he let me clip on the lead. It was weird.  Finally, my last dog to walk for the day, was with the other girl. I walked a staffie/bulldog and she walked a Scottie. To be 100% honest, the staffe made a sound like a pig, it was cute and funny to hear him snuffling on the ground. I learnt that there was a woodland walk behind the complex, and I look forward to trying that route next weekend!! After we had walked them, we were in the day-care. The staffie came again (the sheep, dolphin, monster noised one) and I was so happy to have him sit on my lap. Then the border collie and another shaggy brown dog (who was so light, she had so much fur)  were getting ”very close” if you know what I mean. I spent my last hour trying to keep these dogs from…  you know… I got paid again and I cannot wait till next week!!

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Studying Immunology at University. Really using my blog to fuel my addiction to procrastinating.

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